Shop: Shrubs & Such
Greenhouse open by appointment only
Plants delivered late May through October. Dates depend on growing conditions. Pickup time is arranged when plants are ready.
Orders filled in order received. Peak season (May) orders may take 4 or more weeks. Please order early for spring planting.
All orders subject to availability.
Wholesale rates available.
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Quart Pot
A deep 4x4.5" square pot is our standard. Well-developed roots help the plant establish quickly. All plants are in a quart pot unless otherwise stated.
Plug Flat
A plastic tray with 38 plants. Single-species or pre-designed kits. Economically plant larger areas. 5" deep and spaced for optimal crown growth.
Gallon Pots
Large round pots filled with shrubs or mature plants for garden showpieces.
Shrubs & Vines
Michigan Native Shrubs & Vines
Shrubs and trees native to Michigan are important landscape features. Although they occupy more space, they offer far more host plant and habitat services than herbaceous flowers. They are often the first thing to bloom in the spring, making nectar available to butterflies that overwinter in the UP. (Yes! Some butterflies overwinter in the UP as adults in brush piles, woodpiles, and leaf litter.) Native bees also emerge early and need the early nectar sources provided by trees and shrubs while herbaceous flowers are still sprouting this year's growth.
Native trees and shrubs offer a lot of space and food for insects, making them rich host plants for a variety of insects that will be used to feed bird nestlings throughout the summer. These insects are usually not able to feed on non-native trees and shrubs, meaning such ornamentals cannot support birds and other life. In the later season, many native shrubs offer fruits used by birds and other animals to prepare for winter. Some even carry the fruit through the winter, providing much needed calories in January, or even for spring migration.
From a strictly human perspective, native shrubs offer attractive flowers, texture, height, and structure in the garden. They also provide winter interest - showcasing curly or bright red bark, or holding clusters of pink triangular seeds that tremble in the breeze above the snow. Some even have edible fruit. Vines are also a valuable landscaping plant and can be trained over a trellis or used to cover a fence or provide privacy.
As always, we seek to offer plants adapted to the UP from UP seed sources. Currently, we offer ​Shrubby Cinquefoil, Ninebark, False Virginia Creeper, and Virgin's Bower from UP seed. New Jersey Tea are grown by us from lower Michigan seed. Other shrubs and vines are sourced from a reputable Michigan nursery downstate and are available in limited quantities.