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White Turtlehead - Chelone glabra

White Turtlehead - Chelone glabra

Chelone glabra, also known as White Turtlehead, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the UP. Plant reaches 3 to 5 feet tall and flowers from late July to September with a cream blossom that resembles a turtle's head. It prefers full to part sun, medium to wet soil and will grow in muck, clay or loam. Spreads slowly by rhizome. This plant is at home on riverbanks, so it is tolerant of erosion and wet soils. Although it loves wet areas, Turtlehead does fine in the medium soil of a garden if watered during dry spells.


In shaded areas, where the other plants don't get too tall, Turtlehead pairs well with Joe Pye Weed, Flattopped Aster, and Cutleaf Coneflower for a dramatic and colorful late summer display.


Turtlehead is the host plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterflies. It is also popular with pollinators, including other butterflies,  larger bees, and ruby-throated hummingbirds. My favorite are the bumblebees. They muscle their way into the closed flowers until there is only a fuzzy bee butt hanging out. So fun to watch!

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