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Spicebush - Lindera benzoin

Spicebush - Lindera benzoin

Lindera benzoin is a perennial shrub native to southern Michigan. It is not a UP plant, but its fragrance makes it a desirable landscaping plant.  We have some small Spicebush available, 1-2' in height.


From the tree nursery's website:

[Spicebush is] a rounded, deciduous shrub, open form 8′ to 12′ tall, equal width. It has a long life span in comparison to most other plant species and a slow growth rate. Northern Spicebush has green foliage and yellow flowers. Flower bloom is usually observed in the mid spring, with fruit and seed production starting in the summer and continuing until fall.

Flowering: April; fruits maturing August-October.

Soil / Climate: full sun to partial shade, prefers moist, well-drained soil. Spicebush have a low tolerance to drought and restricted water conditions. Common habitats are low woods, swamp margins and streamsides.

Notes: Spicebush sometimes forms thickets.

Wildlife: is common that the dispersal of seeds in many lauraceae species are due to birds that swallow them, so also the fruit and berries are often similar to attract birds. Birds, are important dispersal agents. The hermit thrush swallows the whole fruit and later regurgitates the seed, indicating that it is an important seed disperser. Mammals may also be potential dispersers of genus seeds, including the raccoon. Small berries provide food for wildlife in winter.  Over 20 species of birds, as well as deer, rabbits, raccoons, and opossums have been recorded as browsing the leaves or eating the fruits.


Please note, we do not currently grow this plant from seed; we source it from a downstate nursery and bring it up to size. The nursery has reported that, although they verify their stock to be free of Neonicotinoids, they do use pesticides on their nursery stock.

We offer downstate nursery stock because using a native plant to landscape instead of a similarly-raised cultivar will ultimately be beneficial, especially for a long-lived shrub.

  • Page updated May 2024

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