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Heartleaf Foamflower - Tiarella cordifolia

Heartleaf Foamflower - Tiarella cordifolia

Tiarella cordifolia, also known as foam flower, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the UP.
Plant reaches 1 foot tall and flowers from April to May with a white blossom popular with native bees.
This forest groundcover with dramatic flowers prefers partial sun to full shade, medium-moist to medium-dry, organiclly rich, well-drained soil and will grow in loam or sand. It is partial to deciduous or mixed forests and works well as a soft-landing or groundcover under hardwoods, in shaded gardens, and shaded rock gardens. This plant forms attractive clumps and will spread slowly by rhizome. Plant several for ground cover, or mix with similar natives, such as Long-stalked Sedge, False-solomon's Seal, Baneberry, Partridge Berry, Oak Fern, and Canada Mayflower.

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