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Aster, Calico - Symphyotrichum lateriflorum

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum, also known as Calico Aster, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the UP.  This aster differs from others in our area because the white flowers are individually tiny (like Baby's Breath, but native).  The flower clusters, however, are large and showy, often with a graceful arch. It is also unique in that it can tolerate full sun to full shade.  Calico Aster likes medium wet to medium dry soil and reaches a height of two feet. It can handle periodic flooding, and also dry soil if partially shaded.


The center discs of Calico Aster change color from yellowish to reddish purple as they mature, and the foliage takes on a coppery color in fall.  Such characteristics make this August-to-frost blooming plant a lively fall addition to your landscape.


Calico Aster attracts butterflies, short tongued or generalist bees, moths, and many other pollinators. This aster is the host plant for Pearl Crescent and Silvery Checkerspot butterflies and it attracts other insects which provide food for birds during the nesting season. When insect time is done, the seeds are utilized by birds. We are excited to offer this fun little plant!

    PriceFrom $6.00
    Excluding Sales Tax |
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