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Oak Gift Set

Oak Gift Set

Set includes a Red Oak first year seedling and The Nature of Oaks by Doug Tallamy. When purchased in winter, set will include your choice of a gift certificate for one plant, or three acorns for do-it-yourself seedlings.


This fascinating book is full of oak science, natural relationsips, and interesting lore about oaks. With science and humor, Tallamy lays out the reasons why oaks are essential host plants, feeding more than 400 species of native moths and butterflies. Not only essential for insect life, the caterpillars on oaks feed the 90% of songbirds that eat insects or feed their young exclsively on caterpillars. This fun book makes a great gift!


"The best time to plant an oak was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now." - proverb

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