Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa
Monarda fistulosa, also known as Bergamot, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the UP. Bergamot is a native bee balm that reaches 3 to 4 feet tall and flowers from July to September with a lavender blossom, beloved by pollinators.
It prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade, wet to dry soil and will grow in muck, clay, loam or sand; basically, everywhere. Bergamot is a pollinator favorite and attracts some of our more interesting butterflies and bees. It is also visited by hummingbirds and can be an important mid-season food source. The foliage is fragrant and can be used for tea. The deer are not fond of the fragrance, and we have had luck shielding very edible sunflowers with a ring of Bergamot.
This page was updated February 2024